Author Services
I get independent authors because I am one.
I’ve worked hard to learn the ins and outs of independent publishing while writing my own books. I’ve spent many hours and thousands of dollars learning from some amazing authors. I keep current in the industry, writing to expand my catalog while providing help and support for others. What I don’t know, I know how to find out, and have the connections to follow-through.
From a simple brainstorming session to full-on publishing assistance, let my time and effort work to your benefit. Some services, such as editing and interior design, I can provide directly. Others, such as cover design, I can assist with at whatever level you prefer. I can work out plans for almost any budget and level of involvement, and I always start with a free consultation to make sure we can work together.
Interior Formatting
I have a solution for almost every budget. If you can’t afford much, I can take a templated approach and get your standard fiction novel into a basic format for $50, with revisions. (If you have a hardship, contact me and I’ll see what we can do.) On the other end, I can meticulously hand-format your complex non-fiction piece with footnotes and an index for over $1000. Most books fall in the $75-$300 range.
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